Top 10 Things you'll see at Royal Thimphu Golf Course that you won't see anywhere else...
10. Prayer flags on the hillside.
9. Women gathering firewood on the golf course so they can cook dinner for their families.
8. Caddies wearing flip flops who don't own shoes or clubs, but can beat the socks off a 2 handicap.
7. Doma (beetlenut) staining everyone's teeth red (think chewing tobacco with more kick).
6. Kids swimming naked in lateral water hazards.
5. The most delicious egg fried rice and chicken butter masala this side of the Ganges.
4. A four hundred year old Zhong (palace) next a glacier melt river so pure you can see right to the bottom of its deep blue waters.
3. Rough so long and gnarly you'd be afraid to send your first born in after a lost ball.
2. Guard dogs. Some fiercer than others.
1. Specially designed phallus shaped bunkers meant to ward off evil demons/the golf gods.
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