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Northfield, MN
This blog will seek to share the adventures, cultural miscalculations, and eccentric musings of one Luke Benoit, a golf coach from Northfield, Minnesota as he works for the BYGA (Bhutan Youth Golf Association).


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Friday, October 29, 2021

Learn 3 easy tips to learn how to increase swing speed

Swing speed is also known as clubhead speed and this is the rate at which your club moves at impact. Swing speed is directly proportional to ball speed. The faster your clubhead speed, the faster the generated ball speed. Know more about how to increase swing speed easily with these three consistent tips.

Furthermore, there is no doubt about it. The majority of people can swing their drivers much faster than their irons. Drivers are long-distance golf clubs that are designed to be quickly swung. In addition, our best golf fitness program can help you immediately improve your swing speed.

1. Being physically fit & focusing on rotation

Your overall strength and range of motion will have a significant impact on your target swing speed. While the exact effect is difficult to quantify, it has been observed on numerous occasions that as golfers become more fit, their distance increases along with their speed. This could be the answer to how to increase swing speed.

There is a significant impact on your swing speed and that would be due to the rotation of your upper body against your lower body. While your upper body rotates 90 degrees with your back to the target at the top, your hips only rotate 45 degrees.

2. Use speed training tools and try club fitting.

You must know that there are many speed training or speed-increment tools that have been sold on the market for a long time. So, people prefer to have them all to improve their swing speed as well.

There are numerous drivers on the market for you to choose from, and you must ensure that the club with which you play is ideal for you. It is an important part because choosing the wrong club could lead to years of struggle. A good club should be good not only for speed and distance but also for accuracy.

3. Hit it free and use your wrist as a lever.

It is a presumption of many golf players to swing hard as they would be able to be faster as soon as possible. But for your information, it can happen in some cases and remember that this might be a problem if you have stress too, as due to this, your clubhead speed will be directly mitigated.

At the time of swinging your golf club, you have to imagine that your wrists are working as levers. When you remove the club, your wrists will be hinged on the way back. For an ideal golf swing, keep your wrists bent until impact.


As a result, hopefully, this information about knowing the reason for how to increase swing speed has aided you in the right direction. The written ways and tips explicitly tell the main part of the story about increasing the swing speed. That would be a very beneficial part of increasing clubhead speed. As a result, use these strategies as well as join our golf fitness program to improve your swing speed.

Contact us for more information.

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